What Not to Use in Microwave!

>> Friday, September 11, 2009

The following are some of the materials which should not be used in microwaves.

1. Metal.

It is a well known fact that we should not use any kind of metal in microwave. Everybody who uses a microwave is aware that any type of metal would initially start sparks followed by fire. We all know how bad it is to have any kind of fire especially when we live in wooden homes.

However there is yet another material which should never be used in microwave. I found out about it a couple of years ago. But what I realized was there are still lots of people who are not aware of that fact. So I wanted to use my blog to shed some light on that subject. This brings us to the second material which we should never use in the microwave.

2. Plastic.

We should avoid using any kind of plastic in microwave. The ill effects of using plastic in microwave are not obvious to the naked eye. However its effects are more devastating than using metal in long term. The reason being, when you heat food in a plastic container, apparently some toxins are released from the plastic container which can seep into the food. Some of these toxins are supposed to be cancer causing. So the best thing to do is use glass containers instead.

3. Styrofoam.

The reason you do not want to use Styrofoam is because at high temperatures it tends to melt. If you happen to touch it at that high temperature, you could burn your fingers. In fact I know somebody who had an accident and got a pretty bad burn.



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