Organize: Kitchen

>> Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I have been trying to organize my kitchen a little better. So I went looking for some drawer organizers. I finally found the Expandable Bamboo Gadget Tray at Crate and Barrel. It is made of bamboo, looks sleek and it is expandable. It fit my drawer perfectly. What more could I ask for. So I have finally organized my gadget drawer. Here take a look ....

I was told that spices last longer and stay fresher when stored in a refrigerator. I decided to store mine in a refrigerator too. I like the idea of using glass bottles instead of anything plastic for storage. So I ended up using the Starbucks coffee bottles and Classico pasta sauce bottles for storage. It was very easy to peel of the labels off the Starbucks bottles. I just washed all the bottles once in a dishwasher before filling them with my spices. I could fit 4 Classico bottles in the back and 5 Starbucks bottles in the front row perfectly. It looks neat and I didn't have to spend a Penny on these bottles.


Spring Is In The Air

>> Monday, February 22, 2010

The colors of spring. Wow what a sight. It's brings so much joy to see the blossoms and bulbs and all the new life that springs from spring. Those beautiful sounds of birds chirping away. Nature at it's finest.

What's not to love about Spring, unless you are an allergy sufferer .......


Gallery of Birds in Our Backyard

>> Thursday, February 18, 2010

I love birds. So whenever I see any birds in my backyard I try to capture it on my camera. This month I have seen quite a few variety of birds. All the birds were beautiful, but my camera skills do no justice. I need to learn to take better pictures. Also I need to learn to identify the birds.


Birds In Our Backyard : Videos

>> Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Here are some short videos of birds in my backyard. I only wish I could identify the species.



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