How to Water a Plant While on Vacation!

>> Saturday, August 15, 2009

I don't know about you, but I always seem to forget to take care of the indoor plants when I go on vacations. When we go on short (less than a week) vacations all seems well. It is those long vacations which are the killer (I mean of plants ....).
When we visit India it is usually for a month or so. There are lots of other things to take care of before such trips. Such as mail, newspaper, making sure to empty the refrigerator and the list goes on. For some reason plants seem to be forgotten, until when you return to find it all wilted and dried and in some cases dead.

So the other day when I came across this video, I wanted to share it with others . I have not tried it yet, but it sure seems it should work. It is a clever idea and done with things that you already own at home. So take a look ....

If you feel that this solution is not for you, I recently saw an advertisement for some "Aqua Globes" watering system on television. I do not own these, but from the advertisement it seems like it should work.

Next time I go on a long vacation, I shall definitely try one of the above solutions.


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