Hand Sanitizing Wipes!

>> Friday, November 06, 2009

Today I was packing my daughter's lunch for school and I wanted to keep one of those hand sanitizing wipes, wet ones singles in her lunch bag. With the swine flu scare and everything else going on, I wanted to be extra careful. So I had asked my husband to bring me one of those from upstairs.

He goes "Are you sure they have not expired?”  I'm like, do those things actually expire. I never even thought of that. What does that mean anyways....?  Does that mean, they no longer sanitize and kill the germs after the expiry date?  Or does that mean they are harmful to use them once they have expired. I didn't know what to think of that comment.

Anyways that poked my curiosity and I went and did a query on the web. Just for fun. This is what I came out with. There is no expiration date on wet ones singles and the only expiration date is for the coupons to buy the wet ones.


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