Melon Baller Magic!

>> Monday, March 29, 2010

What do you get when you start with some seedless watermelon and a melon baller.

Voila !!!

All I can say is YUM!!!!
Cheers to some easy, healthy deliciousness!!!!


Choclate Chip Cookies!!!

>> Thursday, March 25, 2010

My kids love CCC (Chocolate Chip Cookies). I guess most kids do. There is always a request for CCC at snack time.

So I usually end up buying the cooking dough and baking them. There are so many choices when it comes to cookie dough these days. They really made it easy to bake cookies with these readily available cookie doughs.

Once my kids tasted these semi homemade cookies, they do not seem to like the store bought ones anymore. The taste is not the same. I'm sure the cookies made from scratch are much more delicious. But for now, I'm happy with the semi homemade version. It saves me a ton of time.


Happy Ugadi : 2010

>> Friday, March 19, 2010

Ugadi marks the first day of the Telugu New Year. This year it was on the 16th of March. Every year I try to at least make the ugadi pacchadi (chutney) which includes 5 different flavors. The 5 flavors include, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and tangy. So we use raw mango for sour, Jaggery (bellam) for sweet, neem flowers for bitter, chili for spicy and tamarind for tangy. This year I managed to get all the ingredients except for the neem flowers, which I usually substitute with neem powder which is easily available in Indian grocery stores. But not this year. This year they sold out all their neem powder, can you believe that?!! I know. So I made mine with four flavors, instead of five.

Anyways the reason I was told we make this special chutney was it represents the different situations we face in real life. Like sweet is supposed to represent happiness, bitter for sadness, spicy for anger. I do not remember what sour and tangy represented. I shall try to find out.

So here's to another fabulous and fun year. Cheers!!!


The Sun, The Rain And The ....

>> Monday, March 08, 2010

Today we have seen the weather go from cloudy to sunny to rainy. It was changing all throughout the day. Very unpredictable. But with the unpredictability came a beautiful surprise at the end of the day.See for yourself.

I have been trying to capture the rain for a while on my camera, but didn't know how. Today I finally got the idea, when I saw the rain drops on my french door. It was a perfect shot.

It was a beautiful rainbow. My 2 year was super excited when he saw it. I don't know what it is about the rainbows, but it brings some kind of joy when you spot one, at least for me!! I'm so glad I was able to capture it on my camera.



>> Sunday, March 07, 2010

The other day I had some left over potato curry from lunch. I also happened to have one of those Roti Land roti packs. So I decided to make some samosas.

I took each of those roti land rotis and cut them in half. Then I stuffed it with a few spoonfuls of potato curry and made it into a samosa. I used a fork to seal the edges.

Then I deep fried them all in oil. I just served with the chutney on hand. Samosas seem to go well with ketchup too.

That was one quick and easy way for a home made samosa. Didn't break a sweat.



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