It's all about number 10!!!

>> Sunday, October 10, 2010

So for a year now, my daughter has been telling me how important her 10th birthday is going to be. She is right. She turned 10 on 10/10/10. So I decided to make it special for her. She invited her good friends to join her on this special day. We decided to go with the cooking theme. This is the menu they got to work on: Fruit Kabobs, Make their own Pizza, Salad in a Cup and finally decorate a Mini Cake. I bought aprons for each child, so they could take it home with them.

For the pizza's I got individual pizza dough and sauce from Trader Joe's. Well worth it. They started off by making their individual pizza and topped them off with various toppings of their choice. I had quite a few choices for them : Colorful bell peppers, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Jalapenos, Basil and mozzarella Cheese. I had to bake one pizza at a time. That took the most time. I also bought some empty pizza boxes from a nearby pizzeria. Once ready we put it in their own pizza box to take home.

While the pizzas were getting baked, they worked on the fruit kabobs. Again they could choose from, grapes, honeydew melon, cantaloupe and watermelon.

Next they got to make their own salad in a cup. They first poured a little ranch dressing in a cup and then put some of the carrot sticks, cucumber sticks and cherry tomatoes on top. It was time for lunch. They had their lunch and my daughter cut her ice cream cake.

After lunch they got to decorate their mini cakes. I had baked a dozen of these cakes the previous night and had them ready. For cakes, I gave them slices of strawberries, kiwis, raspberries and M&Ms. I also had both chocolate and white frosting.

I bought a white apron from Michael's for each of the guests to sign, so Hrishika can keep it as a birthday memory.

For goody bags I made personalized apron shaped cutouts with card stock and attached a $5 gift card from Yogurt land on the back. Yogurt land is one of my daughter's favourite yogurt.

The kids had a blast. After the party, before going to bed, my daughter gave me a BIG hug and said it was the best birthday party ever. That made my day. All I want is my children to enjoy their birthday.


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