Back From an Interview......

>> Thursday, September 14, 2006

Interviews are stressfull no matter what. Just got back from my second round of interviews. I had my first round a couple of days before that. I was interviewing for a hardware engineering position for a company in Silicon Valley. Why is it that you think you have done well in the interview and the result says otherwise. I could never figure that out. I was told that even if one person out of all the people who interviewed you does not want you to be hired, then the interview falls through. Not fair isn't it.... but then... who says life is fair.

I thought I was a good fit for the position they were looking for and had the right experience. Then I get this call from the hiring manager, who said I may not be hired as one of the managers who interviewed me thought, my experience was not what they were looking for... bummer. I was kinda surprised to say the least. Also it kinda upset me. I don't know is it just me or does everybody take these interviews to heart. To me it is like failing a test or something. I take it too personally. My husband always says it is the company's loss if they did not hire me.... just to make me feel better... but it doesn't seem to help at all. I'm sure I will feel much better about this whole interview thing tomorrow (or worse).

In the mean time since I'm done with both the interview rounds I shall relax.


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