School Choir.

>> Monday, September 18, 2006

Since the beginning of this school year my daughter has been missing her music class the most. That's because this year she started going to a public school and since the funds are low, music has taken a back seat at public schools.

My daughter has been telling me all along that she is really interested in a music class especially a class where she can sing. So just today we found out that her school was offering a beginner choir class for first graders. The music teacher was willing to take just the first 30 students. I was afraid that we may be too late and may not be able to get her enrolled in the class. To my surprise my daughter was the first one to get registered for the class. That was a relief. In fact they already had their first class today. The music teacher is great and my daughter loved the class.

The music teacher told us about the K8 Kid Tunes where she gets all her songs for the music class.


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