Visit to the Temple

>> Sunday, September 17, 2006

My family along with our friends went to the Livermore temple. It's been a while since we went there. My daughter was very excited about the trip just because her best friend was coming along. It usually takes us a while to wake her up, but not this time. She was the first to wake up and was eager to get ready and get started.

I decided to make some prasadam to offer to God. I prepared some yellow rice and halwa. We were supoosed to start by 10:00 A.M. in the morning, instead we only left home by 11:00 A.M. However everythng worked out well since we reached there just in time for abhishekam at Lord Venkateshwara. The pujari offered our prasadam to the God.

The atmosphere at the temple was very peaceful and relaxing. It always reminds me of India. After that we all had our prasadam, along with other prasadams offered at the temple and headed back home.


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