Guess What? Guess How?

>> Friday, April 30, 2010

First of all can you guess what you are looking at ( do not worry about the green stuff)? It is some kind of vegetable. I guess you know the answer. The color of the vegetable gives it away. Yes you are right. It is a carrot cut into circles and cored.

Now that you know which vegetable it is, can you guess how I went about doing it? It was quite simple to accomplish that. All it took was a carrot with a very hard core (in other words, a bad carrot). So once I peeled and cut them into circles, all I had to do was push the center core out with my thumb. That created the donut effect.

Cool isn't it?!!!!


Malathi April 04, 2012 6:38 PM  

Wow! Those look so cool. If there was no spinach on the side I would have thought it was orange life savers :)

Tani April 04, 2012 6:54 PM  

Cool!you would never ever think someone could do that!I mean it`s not like...POP!The midle part just comes out.It`s just so cool!Plus it looks very tasty...YUM!

Prabha April 04, 2012 6:57 PM  

Very cool way to encourage kids to eat their veggies.

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