What Were They Thinking?

>> Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today, when my husband got back from work, he casually mentioned that HP was going to acquire PALM for whopping $1.2 Billion. He also mentioned that PALM was in such bad shape financially that they were almost going to close down.

My 9 year old snapped back immediately. She said , "Have you seen the Palm Pre ad? One look at that ad and you will never want to own a Palm Pre." Actually what she said about the ad is so true. It kind of spooks you out a little bit. If a 9 year old could figure that the ad is not working, then why can't the people making these ads. It makes you wonder as to "What were they thinking?!"

That kind of reminded of the Burger King ads. One look at the king and your appetite goes out the window. I guess they were trying to copy the Jack in the Box ads without similar results. Even without any controversy I hated those BK ads. Then there was this King's gone crazy ad, which was considered so controversial, it had to be pulled off the air. That I feel actually worked out in favor of BK. At least we don't see that idiotic king character anymore.

I don't know what they were thinking?


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