Happy Earth Day!!!

>> Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I want to wish all the earthlings a very happy Earth day. As a living being on the planet Earth, it is our responsibility to take good care of our planet. So this earth day I researched the web to find some useful sites on going Green!!!

  1. National Graphics's Green Guide
  2. Planet Green , A Discovery Company
  3. The Daily Green
  4. HGTV Green Home Giveaway

In the meantime we all can make some simple changes to help planet Earth:

  1. Use cloth kitchen towels instead of paper towel, wherever possible.
  2. Use a permanent coffee filter instead of paper filters.
  3. Use filtered water instead of bottled water.
  4. Bring your own reusable bag for grocery shopping.
  5. Use bamboo products for cutting boards etc.
  6. Use pressure cooker for cooking (saves lot of energy)
  7. Try carpooling.
  8. Use bicycles or walk whenever possible.
  9. Minimize the use of water and electricity wherever possible.
  10. Replace all the bulbs with energy efficient "CFL bulbs".
  11. Use solar powered lamps for landscaping.
  12. Use clothesline for drying clothes in summer.

Or maybe some big ones .....

  1. Use energy star appliances.
  2. Try to harvest rain water if you can.
  3. Buy a hybrid car.
  4. Try to use solar panels for power generation (if you can afford it).

The list goes on and on . So on this earth day and in the future, Think Green, Act Green and Go Green!

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! That's the mantra.


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