Earthquakes: 2010

>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

Since I live in California, I suppose, I pay close attention to earthquakes (no matter where on earth they occur). Year 2010 has bee very peculiar in that regard. We are only one quarter of a year into it, and we have already seen eight major earthquakes (magnitude 6 or higher) and ten if we count magnitude 5.5 or higher. That's a lot of earthquakes in such a short time period. They have been all over the world.

Of these the Haiti Earthquake of magnitude 7.0 on Jan 12th was one of the deadliest. The other major one was the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile on February 27th. There was a quake in Mexico on April 4th of magnitude 7.2 followed by 7.6 magnitude quake in Indonesia on April 6th.

I do know there is a lot of earthquake activity that happens on a daily basis. However much of this activity is either not high enough magnitude or in densely populated areas. So they go unnoticed. Hope we don't see too many of these quakes, the rest of the year!


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