School Choir.

>> Monday, September 18, 2006

Since the beginning of this school year my daughter has been missing her music class the most. That's because this year she started going to a public school and since the funds are low, music has taken a back seat at public schools.

My daughter has been telling me all along that she is really interested in a music class especially a class where she can sing. So just today we found out that her school was offering a beginner choir class for first graders. The music teacher was willing to take just the first 30 students. I was afraid that we may be too late and may not be able to get her enrolled in the class. To my surprise my daughter was the first one to get registered for the class. That was a relief. In fact they already had their first class today. The music teacher is great and my daughter loved the class.

The music teacher told us about the K8 Kid Tunes where she gets all her songs for the music class.


Visit to the Temple

>> Sunday, September 17, 2006

My family along with our friends went to the Livermore temple. It's been a while since we went there. My daughter was very excited about the trip just because her best friend was coming along. It usually takes us a while to wake her up, but not this time. She was the first to wake up and was eager to get ready and get started.

I decided to make some prasadam to offer to God. I prepared some yellow rice and halwa. We were supoosed to start by 10:00 A.M. in the morning, instead we only left home by 11:00 A.M. However everythng worked out well since we reached there just in time for abhishekam at Lord Venkateshwara. The pujari offered our prasadam to the God.

The atmosphere at the temple was very peaceful and relaxing. It always reminds me of India. After that we all had our prasadam, along with other prasadams offered at the temple and headed back home.


Starting a New Blog for My Mom.

>> Saturday, September 16, 2006

My mom is one of those people in this world who I look up to the most. She is always full of energy and there is never a dull moment around her. She plans her day to the fullest. She is one of those people who can easily make friends even with total strangers. Whenever she visits (from India) me and my sisters here in the US she makes a lot of friends on her way here.

Anyways the reason I thought I shall give her a blog is because, she is always giving great advice to me. I thought she can give great advice to many more this way. She wanted to write down her thoughts somewhere. I thought what better way to do that than to blog these days. She is technically savvy for her age using email and Internet for all kinds of stuff.

My mom loves to cook. When ever she is here I rarely enter the kitchen. She always prepares yummy food. She is good with coming up with recipes based on ingredients at hand and tries to speed up the cooking process. So I started a "Cook Book" for her. This way I could always refer to her recipes online without having to call her at some odd hours at night or day. Also this way even her grand kids could refer to her recipes.

The picture I have here is from her cookbook. It is from her "Dum Aaloo" recipe (mouth watering isn't it?!!!) Here is the link to her blog ......

Amma's Cook Book



Back From an Interview......

>> Thursday, September 14, 2006

Interviews are stressfull no matter what. Just got back from my second round of interviews. I had my first round a couple of days before that. I was interviewing for a hardware engineering position for a company in Silicon Valley. Why is it that you think you have done well in the interview and the result says otherwise. I could never figure that out. I was told that even if one person out of all the people who interviewed you does not want you to be hired, then the interview falls through. Not fair isn't it.... but then... who says life is fair.

I thought I was a good fit for the position they were looking for and had the right experience. Then I get this call from the hiring manager, who said I may not be hired as one of the managers who interviewed me thought, my experience was not what they were looking for... bummer. I was kinda surprised to say the least. Also it kinda upset me. I don't know is it just me or does everybody take these interviews to heart. To me it is like failing a test or something. I take it too personally. My husband always says it is the company's loss if they did not hire me.... just to make me feel better... but it doesn't seem to help at all. I'm sure I will feel much better about this whole interview thing tomorrow (or worse).

In the mean time since I'm done with both the interview rounds I shall relax.



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